Wednesday, September 8, 2010

I edited this little video with my iPhone4 and imovie from the seat of my tractor during little stolen moments here and there. All of the videos and pictures were taken over the course of the last few weeks. I often wonder what my Great Grandfather did while on the tractor. While I carry along with me an ice-chest full of bottled water, cords to keep my electronics charged, and a phone that can access almost anything from anywhere, I remember that he had nothing more than a simple water jug and the thoughts in his head to keep him company. Maybe it was better that way, but I wouldn't trade my air conditioning for anything. I created the music to go with this with a little freeware program called Audacity along with a guitar and keyboard.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool Mark. :) I imagine I would like the peace of being out in the wide open with nothing but God's green earth around me. I grew up out in the country and I have such good memories of my childhood. Sometimes I wish I could give that to my kids but I also have need for a Walmart very close by. ;)

    Is it weird that watching this made me think of Laura Ingalls Wilder? Love the Little House books. I wonder if Dr. Isom would feel the same? Lol.
